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Picture of Health


This is a recipe website for busy people.  The recipes are easy to follow, quick to prepare, inexpensive, and guaranteed to meet nutritional requirements.

One of my recipes:

What is this website about?

All the recipes in this site, are in a simple picture format, and can be followed by anybody.  The recipes are all based on the Mediterranean style of eating, and comply with Australian Dietary Guidelines.  I emphasise less red meat and more legumes.  The recipes are often familiar recipes (eg. Pizza, frittata) but I have tweaked them so that they are healthier, and so that you can add or substitute many of the ingredients according to taste and availability.  Where appropriate, I encourage people to forage for edible leafy greens (“weeds”) (another passion of mine).  With each recipe I add “stewing notes” at the end.  You don’t have to read these, but they do give interesting information about the recipe.  

Who is this recipe website for?

The recipes are for everybody: people who don’t have time to cook, people who can’t be bothered reading through complicated recipes, people who need to get a nutritious inexpensive tasty meal on the table every single day.  The  recipes will also help the many people with chronic health issues such as diabetes,  weight management, and heart disease. 

Why can you trust this website?

I have always had a passion for my family and patients to eat well.  Of course, many people, including doctors. are passionate about food and start websites.  Why should you trust the recipes here?    Many doctors do not have further qualifications in nutrition.  I have my medical degree (MBBS Melb) as well as a PhD (Melb) (in biochemistry), and a Bachelor of Nutritional Science (Monash).  I have tutored medical students at Monash University in nutrition, and worked with patients for more than 10 years.  It has been so rewarding to see blood glucose levels come down in people with diabetes, and see blood cholesterol levels improve as well, just by changing their diet. 


Having cooked for my family most days for 30 years, I gradually developed picture recipes for family, friends and patients.  I have analysed the recipes in the dietary food program Foodworks to prove that they meet Australian Dietary Guidelines.  Rather than continuing to make black and white photocopies for patients, I have decided that it is time to set up a website so that my patients and anyone else, can access them.  Importantly, I am not selling anything through this website

Nutrition Recipes
Nutrition Recipes
Main meals
Cakes and Desserts
Breakfast and snacks
Favourite edible weeds
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