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Healthy chickpea pancake recipe with chickpea flour (besan flour), soy milk and wholemeal flour

-A Ba-mix (or hand-held blender) is easy to clean and can also be used for smoothies, soups as well as pancake mixture.  It is a gadget worth having.

-Make sure you don't make the pancakes too thick; 2-3 mm is the optimum thickness. Then they are more easily rolled up with with tinned, fresh or frozen fruit. 

-Contains legumes, in the form of soy milk or chick pea flour (also called Besan flour). A recurring theme in all these recipes, is to add legumes because of their good quality protein which is also more environmentally sustainable to produce than animal protein, their high fibre content and other associated health benefits.  Besan flour can be found in Indian or health food shops or in the supermarket.  

-Contains wholemeal flour without compromising the taste (as it would in a sponge cake, for example). Wholemeal flour is superior to white flour because of fibre, vitamins and minerals.  There is almost no good reason to have white flour in the pantry except for making playdough.

-These pancakes are very filling due to protein content (eggs, legumes), water content and fibre (wholemeal flour and fruit).  Satiating (filling) foods assist with weight maintenance.

-Vinegar or lemon juice, being acids, lower the GI of the whole meal, increase satiety and may reduce blood cholesterol.

- A tablespoon of maple syrup and of ice cream will hardly effect the glycaemic index or other health benefits of the overall meal. These additions may mean you are like more likely to eat these pancakes.

-Keep a jug of mixture in the fridge for a few days and have them any time. They are good for kids when they come home from school.

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