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cannelloni recipe using tofu as protein source

-The best thing about this recipe is that it is a fantastic opportunity to use tofu.  Tofu is a member of the legume family. There are not too many foods that can scientifically be linked to a longer life except legumes. The tofu blends in well with tomato, cheese and pasta sheets

-Whenever there is an opportunity to add green leaves (eg. Spinach, herbs) to a meal, do it. They contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and even omega 3 unsaturated fats.

-Try adding a handful (or more) of chopped edible "weeds" such as sow thistle, mallow, amaranth, stinging nettle, nightshade or sea celery (if you are near the coast).  See my edible weeds page.

-I tried this recipe with mashed cooked pumpkin, the only vegetable I happened to have and it worked well. 

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